Grant Assistance for Cultural Grass-roots Projects (GCGP)

Karate Dojo
Judo Dojo
Softball Stadium

What is GCGP?

Grant assistance for Cultural Grassroots Project (GCGP) provides nonrefundable financial assistance to support the implementation of cultural and higher education projects conducted by non-profit organizations.
The eligible recipients of GCGP are any type of non-profit organizations which are active at the grass-roots level in developing countries. These organizations include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local authorities, research and higher education institutions. Individuals and profit-making organizations are not eligible for GCGP.
For further details please follow the links below or contact the Embassy.

Projects in progress

All Projects

Fiscal Year Name of Project Amount (JPY)
2017 The Project for Extension of Botswana Karate Association Dojo 9,346,590
2016 Project for Improvement of the Softball Stadium and the Softball Equipment 7,839,720
2015 The Project for Judo Dojo Construction 9,652,500
2011 The Project for the Enhancement of "Judo to Schools" Programme 6,103,353
2008 The Project for the Construction of Botswana Karate Association Dojo 9,871,793