Japan is committed to working in partnership with Botswana and SADC
AmbassadorTakeda and Hon Morwaeng
Noh performance by SHIMIZU Kanji
On the occasion of celebrating the National Day of Japan and the birthday of Japan’s Emperor Naruhito, Ambassador of Japan TAKEDA Kozo reiterated his commitment to working in partnership with Botswana as well as with the SADC. The Embassy of Japan is keen on continuing support for capacity building through technical cooperation in areas such as mining sector and the management of forest resources. Ambassador TAKEDA said the TICAD7 held in August 2019 in Yokohama was a promising start for many of the participants for new collaborations with the Japanese private sector.
The event was held on February 27, 2020 and attended by Hon. Kabo Morwaeng, Minister of Presidential Affairs, Governance and Public Administration as the guest of honour. Other guests were H.E. Festus Mogae, Former President, H.E. Lt. Gen. Dr. Seretse Khama Ian Khama, Former President, Hon. Eric Molale, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Dr. Edwin Dikoloti, Minister of Agricultural Development and Food Security, Hon. Mmusi Kgafela, Minister of Infrastructure and Housing Development, several Assistant Ministers, Hon. Mabuse Pule, Deputy Speaker of Parliament and many Members of Parliament, amongst others.
During the reception, Mr. SHIMIZU Kanji, one of the most renowned Noh performers in Japan as a principal member of the Tessen-kai, a Noh performing organization, performed a short celebratory Noh play “Takasago”. Noh is a traditional Japanese dance-drama that has been performed since the 14th century and has been recognised as one of the world’s oldest performing arts. In 2008, UNESCO designated it as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage”.